Kingdom Minded Mission
Vision Statement
Harvest Chapel is a Kingdom-minded church teaching and training the Body
to walk in biblical authority; with a primary focus on sonship, identity, and
the finished work of the cross. Our desire is to empower believers to step into their full created value, creating a culture of sons and daughters who are walking out the gospel with an understanding of their new creation reality.
Kingdom Mission
We are striving to equip people to do the work of ministry,
going out and impacting their community by “Being the Body of Christ”.
To reach out with genuine love and compassion to the wounded and hurting
in the Body of Christ and bring them to restoration through the
“Great Physician”, Jesus Christ.
Then to nurture and mature them so that they, too, can become agents of healing, reaching out to others who are going through where they have been.
Kingdom Minded Church
Our desire is to create an impact by passionately and clearly communicating the message of truth and love. We emphasize sonship, identity and the gifts of the spirit. We are developing leaders, establishing an empowerment culture
while continuously honoring one another.
All God's Children
We, the leadership of Harvest Chapel, stand in agreement that no man, woman, or child should ever be judged by any physical trait, be it race, the color of their skin, or any other God-given attribute. James chapter 2 speaks to the sin of partiality and challenges us to love well.
We have all had to ask the question, "How can I be a part of the solution?" We acknowledge that there has been a racially driven, divisive mentality that has permeated our society and we agree to work to crush that mentality.
Racial injustice must cease!
The church at large must be a voice for racial reconciliation. No individual can harbor racism in their heart and call themselves a Christian. The two cannot exist together.
At Harvest Chapel, we pledge to love well, to listen, to be intentional, to have authentic conversations, to work at building bridges, and to offer hope.
The Body of Christ is one body, and when one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers.