"The harvest is great, but the workers are few."
Matthew 9:37

Don & Lori Wolabaugh
Don and Lori are the Senior Pastors and founders of Harvest Chapel. They have been actively involved in pastoral ministry for over 35 years and have a heart for this region with a strong desire to see people walking in kingdom authority.
Their passion is to teach and train the Body of Christ in their identity in Jesus and empower them to impact the world for Him. Surrounded by wonderful people with amazing giftings, they have worked to empower and encourage those around them. On this page, you will have the opportunity to learn more about their pastoral staff and invite one of them to be a speaker at your next event.
Together, they are working to make a difference in the Kingdom!

Don Wolabaugh
Pastor Don has a fathers heart and a passion to raise up sons and daughters to carry the “Gospel of the Kingdom” to the nations. Senior Pastor and founder of Harvest Chapel, he has been actively involved in pastoral ministry for over 40 years and has a strong desire to see people walking in kingdom authority.
His passion is to teach and train the Body of Christ in their identity in Jesus and empower them to impact the world for Him.

Matthew Smith
Matt serves as our Lead Pastor of the Abbottstown Campus. He has a heart to see people walking in their created value as sons and daughters of God. God has placed a passion inside of Matt that continues to burn brightly. Matt is a graduate of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Matt is married to Pastor Anna, who also serves at Harvest as one of our staff pastors.

Anna Smith
Anna Smith, along with her husband Matt, is the Lead Pastor of Harvest Chapel Abbottstown. Though a graduate of Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry, her life of full-time ministry began as a child growing up in central Pennsylvania with her evangelist parents and 3 sisters with whom she has traveled all across the country hosting tent revivals and seeing the message of Jesus bring souls into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Anna was filled with the Holy Spirit at the age of 4 and from that has cultivated a deep love for God and in turn, a deep love for people. She is passionate about spiritual growth and teaching believers how to fully walk in the fullness of their God given callings.
With a creative heart, Anna walks in the prophetic and a calling in worship and intercession. She leads worship, is in charge of Altar Ministry, oversees the Marriage and Women's Ministries and leads our once a month Monday Remnant Night (Harp & Bowl style prayer and worship.)
Anna is passionate about bringing a message of Hope to the women in the body of Christ to be awakened to the fullness of who they are and what it means to truly walk as a daughter of King Jesus.

Dave Miller
Dave Miller has a contagious zeal to see people walk in the victorious value that God has created them to be.
He is the founder of Ministry Motorsports, a raceway ministry where he runs a “Legend series” car #93. It is his passion for the lost that causes him to go beyond the walls of the church to the pits of the speedways. As Associate Pastor, Dave oversees many operations of the church. He is married to his lovely wife Kim for over 30 years. Together they have two children and five grandchildren, all active in ministry.

Tyler Wagner
Tyler serves as our Youth/Community Life Pastor. He has a passion to see the hearts of young people transformed, walking in freedom, and knowing who they are in Christ. He believes that there is no such thing as a jr. Holy Spirit and that these young sons and daughters don't have to wait till their older to make an impact. As our Community Life director, he has a passion to not just be part of the church, but to be the church. Tyler has a heart to see people come together to be the hands and feet of Jesus to not only make an impact in our local churches but also in our local communities! There are people that are lost and broken and we have the answer burning on the inside of us and His name is Jesus. It's time to be love in action! Tyler is married to his lovely wife Amanda for over 10 years, together they have two children Braylee and Asher.