"The harvest is great, but the workers are few."
Matthew 9:37
At Harvest, we are blessed to have some amazing ministries and friends that have come from our church and going out into the world to share the Gospel. It is our honor and privilege to call these leaders our friends. They are a blessing to our house and to the Kingdom.

Dan Mohler
Pastor Dan Mohler ministers to thousands each year, preaching the full gospel of salvation, healing, deliverance and blessing. Dan has been commissioned to empower the body of Christ to fulfill its mission through sound biblical teaching, impartation, and activation. His mission is to connect the body of Christ with the head, Jesus Christ.
Todd White
Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years—when in 2004—he was radically set free! Todd believes that redemption and righteousness are the foundational keys for living life as a new creation in Christ. Todd’s foremost desire is to see the Holy Spirit flowing through believers everywhere that they go–at work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations, and more. Todd’s true joy is being able to reproduce a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle in every believer. His heart is to activate people in the simplicity of who they really are and confront the barriers that hold them back from being who God created them to be. No one is excluded!

Lisa Hicks
Lisa Hicks is an international prophet, evangelist, teacher, and psalmist—whose focus is serving others while enlarging the Kingdom of God. As a prophetic visionary Lisa teaches others through praise, word, worship, and prayer to live intentionally in fiery intimacy with God.
Lisa is one of the founders and teachers at The Prophet School of York, PA. She is an advisor with Key Fellowship and partners with various ministries throughout the United States and around the world.
Lisa leads trips globally —missions, personal prophetic & prayer journeys. Currently, she attends and is the house prophet for Harvest Chapel PA.