Prime Time 55+
John and Diane Pepsin are rock stars in this ministry. They do a terrific job with our seniors. If you are age 55 or over, or if your spouse is of age, then you can be grafted in and be a part of this group. They gather monthly, and the laughter and joy, food, fellowship and fun are always the hallmarks of their events. It’s a great place to connect and bond.

Community Life
What happens when the church goes beyond the walls and the gospel hits our streets? Change happens, atmospheres shift, and hearts are transformed. Tyler Wagner and his team have a heart to see people come together to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to not only make an impact in our local churches but also in our local communities. There are people that are lost and broken and we have the answer burning on the inside of us and His name is Jesus. Harvest is a church in the community for the community. It's time to be love in action!
Serving in the church is a great way of contributing to the furthering of the kingdom. There is a great variety of ways to volunteer here at Harvest Chapel.
•Bookstore - The Bookstore is a great place to help someone find the perfect book or gift! We’re open before and after services.
•Cafe - A place where you can offer a warm smile with a cup of coffee, beverage, or a snack before or after services.
•Camera - We’re looking for good shots during our services which are live streamed all over the world!
•Children’s Ministry - This is definitely a great place to connect as a teacher, teacher’s assistant, or check-in desk assistant. Background check is required.
•Community - Harvest is a church in the community for the community. There are many opportunities to bless our communities through Provide A Lunch (PAL), God’s Groceries, town festivals, etc.
•Greeter - You are the first friendly contact to make someone feel welcomed and loved as you greet and distribute bulletins.
•Hospitality - We are always looking for volunteers to help serve meals for funerals or other special dinners, make welcome baskets for our guests, or make meals for those who’ve been hospitalized or had babies.
•Housekeeping - Our house is big, and many hands are sometimes needed to prepare for when the doors are open. Volunteers are appreciated to help after events, or if you have some spare time during the week.
•IT - The computer world is amazing and takes gifted hands to run the equipment during our services.
•Parking - This is a great opportunity to greet and direct people as they come onto the grounds for Sunday service, or for any special events.
•Photography - We love to capture important moments during services: baptisms, kid’s choir, guest speakers, etc.
•Worship - We are always looking to plug people in who have gifts to be used in the worship arena, vocalist, instrumentalist, stage set-up, sound tech, or to project words and scriptures on the screens.
•Welcome Desk - This is another opportunity to welcome our guests or assist with any questions.
•Usher - Aspects of this ministry include helping with the offering, helping people find an empty seat during services, and sometimes bringing extra chairs into the sanctuary on a full Sunday.
•Security - Keeping a watchful eye is important whether you’re in the crow’s nest, in the parking lot, or walking through the church and sanctuary. Background check is required.
Whether you are male or female, have a lot of time or just limited amounts, volunteering will help you connect, make friends, and feel ownership of your church.